Both applicants who scored 140 points chose the same university

2019 Telegram

This year, Zhannur Ensebek and Aym Yerzhanova, who scored 140 points in the unified national test with the participation of 181,000 applicants and they set a record that did not exist in the last three years, submitted their documents to SDU University, the national portal "Adyrna" reports.

Zhannur Ensebek, a graduate of secondary school No. 22 of Karabulak village, Talgar district, Almaty region, made his choice at the beginning of the school year. He said this in an interview with "Adyrna" reporter. Therefore, on the first day of the application period for the grant competition, the winner of the "Golden Label" marked only SDU on the selection sheet and submitted his documents.

Ayim Yerzhanova, a graduate of R. Koshkarbayev school No. 1 in Kosshi, Akmola region, who achieved the same excellent results, also chose SDU University. We shared about Ayim, who collected 140, in the "Adyrna" material.
