A citizen of Kazakhstan, who was in a terrorist group in Syria, was extradited in Bulgaria

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Foto: vıdeodan alynǵan
Foto: vıdeodan alynǵan

A citizen of Kazakhstan, who was in a terrorist group in Syria, was arrested in Bulgaria and brought to the country. This was announced by Kazinform, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

According to information, today the employees of the General Prosecutor's Office, National Security Committee and Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs extradited a citizen of Kazakhstan from Bulgaria with the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He will be held criminally responsible for his participation in the work of a terrorist group.

Also, he went to the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic in 2015 and joined a terrorist group, despite being a supporter of a radical religious trend. Because of this, an investigation was started and an international search was announced.

In May, the suspect was detained on the territory of Bulgaria. Currently, he is detained in the detention center of Astana.

The extradition was made possible thanks to the bilateral agreement signed with Bulgaria on November 14, 2014.

The charge against him is punishable by imprisonment from 8 to 12 years, along with confiscation of his property.
