Mayor of Oral city resigned

2020 Telegram

The mayor of Oral city has resigned, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

Mirzhan Satkanov wrote on his website that he voluntarily resigned from his post.

"Due to my health, I should have retired earlier. However, the city was in a difficult situation. The spring flood united the city's residents against a natural disaster. In such a difficult period for the city, I could not leave work and continued to fulfill my duties shoulder to shoulder with my colleagues." , - Mirzhan Satkanov wrote on his Facebook page.

The ex-mayor of Urals said that he hopes for a new leader.

"Now, work has been started in all areas, and I am leaving the post of mayor with the confidence that the new head of the city will quickly understand the current issues and initiate new projects for Ural in the future," said Satkanov.

Mirzhan Satkanov was the mayor of Oral for more than two years.
