After the new government took office. Deer shooting has been banned again in Kazakhstan

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Deer hunting on the territory of Kazakhstan has been temporarily stopped. This was announced by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Nysanbaev after the Government Hour on the theme of forest protection in the Majlis of the Parliament, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

"After consultation and discussions with domestic scientists and international experts, deer shooting was stopped. In addition, now it is difficult to walk outdoors during winter. That's why we stopped the process of regulating the number of deer from February 10," Minister Yerlan Nysanbaev said.

According to the minister, deer hunting will resume next year.

"Taking into account last year's experience, a detailed report will be made this year. According to the preliminary calculation, there was an increase of about 40 percent. In general, taking into account last year's increase, there will be about 2.5-2.6 million heads at calving time. Even in a pessimistic situation, there will be growth this year," he said.
