Provision of Russia with Forbidden Technology." The US may impose sanctions against Kyrgyz companies

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Foto: Qyrǵyzstannyń Reseı Federaııasyndaǵy Elshiliginiń konsýldyq bólimi
Foto: Qyrǵyzstannyń Reseı Federaııasyndaǵy Elshiliginiń konsýldyq bólimi

The US plans to impose sanctions on Kyrgyzstan after months of failed diplomatic talks. The Washington Post wrote about it, the "Adyrna" national portal reported.

The Washington Post publishes an article titled "Central Asia Has a Secret Channel Through which Prohibited Technologies Are Delivered to Russia." It says that a large batch of Chinese drones is headed for Russia.

"Deprived of the opportunity to purchase military goods from Western countries, Moscow is asking for help from the former Soviet Union republics in Central Asia. "Some of them have historical and financial ties with the Russian Federation, while Europe and China actively trade with them," the publication said.
