Victims of fraud from Almaty complained that they will not pay loans for "cars" that they did not receive and did not even see, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.
The scammer simply took people's social security numbers and photos, and then used the app to get money to buy multiple iPhones. After the situation was revealed, one of the victims filed a lawsuit, the contract was violated and the loan was not obliged to be paid.
From the incident, the Freedom Finance bank itself became a victim of fraudsters.
Investigators found a total of 11 cases, but it's not clear from the first-instance verdict how they will recover all the losses the bank suffered.
The court issued a decision to collect 34.6 million tenge and 1 million tenge state duty to the identified suspect in favor of Freedom Finance Bank.
The verdict did not enter into legal force, the case was sent to the appeals court.