YouTube was going to punish the authors who were disrespectful and commenting

2003 Telegram

YouTube punishes disrespectful commenters. The new rule came into force on December 14, the national portal "Adyrna" wrote.

According to, Google has updated the rules for commenting on YouTube so that the platform punishes the authors of disrespectful posts. At the same time, the company has developed a warning and blocking system.

According to Gizmodo, if a user's message does not comply with the principles of the video hosting community, YouTube will first issue a warning and then block the author of this comment for 24 hours. It has been clarified that this system is being used for the first time only for comments left in English.

"We want to protect everyone from users trying to negatively influence the community with their comments," YouTube said in a statement.

In addition, the hosting implements an arbitration system, with the help of which blocked authors can dispute the decision of the moderators.

"Adyrna" national portal
