150 wagons of sugar were sent to the regions of Kazakhstan

Adyrna.kz Telegram
فوتو: اشىق دەرەككوزدەن
فوتو: اشىق دەرەككوزدەن

The Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan and JSC "NC" KTZ "have resolved the issue of unimpeded supply of sugar and sugar products to the regions of the country.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the agreement with JSC "NC" KTZ "since May 28, special control has been established over the passage of wagons loaded with sugar for uninterrupted delivery to the regions of the country.

"Currently, 152 wagons of sugar are transported by rail across Kazakhstan. Also, 116 wagons of sugar cane for processing are delivered by rail. Domestic plants produce sugar from raw cane sugar imported from third countries at preferential rates," the Ministry of Agriculture said.

Ex.com. of the region are recommended to ensure the prompt reception and distribution of sugar delivered.

"Sugar production at domestic plants does not stop. It is constantly supplied to the regions. The stock of products is constantly replenished," the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture said.

Excessive demand for sugar in Kazakhstan began in March this year after Russian authorities announced a six-month ban on sugar exports from the country due to economic sanctions.

Many Kazakhstanis then hurried to buy sugar in retail outlets. This not only led to an increase in the price of the product in small shops and large retail chains and its insufficient number, but also forced sellers to limit the sale of goods per person.

National portal "Adyrna"
