Kazakhstan is in the third place among the countries that deliberately shut down the Internet and suffered losses

Adyrna.kz Telegram

"Kazakhstan" is the leader in the world among the countries that have lost the Internet, reports the national portal "Adyrna".

The portal Tpo10VPN.com cites the statistics of 2022 and found that Kazakhstan was the country with the 3rd place among the 23 countries with the most losses.

And the first place is in Russia, where they shut down the Internet and communication systems, at a cost of $21.59 billion. The second place is occupied by Iran. They spent 773 million dollars. And for Kazakhstan, the internet shutdown cost $410.3 million. Total communication blocking lasted 144 hours.

The list of CIS countries includes Uzbekistan ($219.7 million — 5th place), Turkmenistan ($29 million — 10th place), Tajikistan ($2.1 million).

It should be noted that at the beginning of last year, during the January conflict, not only the Internet, but also the basic mobile communication system did not work in the country. This practice was used by the authorities during the 2019 rally.
