Sanitary Security: A proposal has been made to establish a new state body in Kazakhstan

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The Senate has proposed establishing a unified body responsible for sanitary and overall food safety in Kazakhstan, reports the “Adyrna” national portal, citing “KHA News Agency.”

“Concerns remain about the epizootic situation in the country. In September, cases of anthrax infection in people were reported. In Mangystau, children suffered from poisoning. Outbreaks of highly dangerous diseases continue to occur periodically in the regions. These incidents not only harm public health but also damage the global reputation of Kazakhstani products,” said Senator Arman Utegulov.

According to him, meat and meat product exports from Kazakhstan, especially to European countries, are currently restricted, impacting the country’s agro-industrial sector. However, there is strong demand for Kazakhstani products in the Middle East and Asia.

Senators analyzed these issues, attributing them primarily to inefficiencies in government agencies. “Fragmented services, overlapping actions, and conflicts of interest hinder effective problem-solving. When the Ministry of Agriculture reports disease outbreaks, it often faces immediate criticism. Vital functions such as veterinary, phytosanitary, and sanitary-epidemiological services are currently controlled by different state bodies. This situation dilutes accountability and causes issues to be shifted from one agency to another,” Utegulov said.

Senators believe it is necessary to establish a unified body responsible for sanitary and food safety. Similar reforms have proven effective in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and China. They also suggested forming a dedicated task force to comprehensively address veterinary issues.
