The former head of "Atameken" was imprisoned for five years

1993 Telegram

Abylay Myrzakhmetov, the former head of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, was sentenced to five years in prison. This was announced by the press service of the Astana court, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

"With the court verdict M. was found guilty of committing a large amount of fraud and sentenced to 5 years. He was deprived of the right to work in local self-government bodies and the sector of quasi-state entities for a period of 10 years," said the decision of the inter-district court on criminal cases of the city of Astana.

In addition, according to the court verdict, 5.8 billion tenge "criminally obtained" from the defendant were confiscated for the benefit of the state.

The court made a decision to submit a proposal to the president to deprive Myrzakhmetov of state awards: "Kurmet" and 3rd degree "Barys" orders.

Recall that the ex-head of "Atameken" was accused of accepting a large bribe from Boranbayev's brother.
