The amount of state benefits has increased

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The amount of pensions and state benefits has increased in Kazakhstan, Adyrna correspondent reports citing the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

In Kazakhstan, from January 1, 2021, the amount of age-related pensions has increased by 7%, basic pensions and state benefits by 5%.

As a result, taking into account the basic pension payment, the minimum pension from January 1 will be 61,796 tenge.

This increase included 2.2 million retirees.

In addition, from January 1, 2021, the following types of benefits have been increased by 5% due to changes in the subsistence level:

- state social benefits for disability and loss of a breadwinner;

- state benefits for parents and guardians raising children with disabilities;

- state benefits for families (persons) caring for a disabled person of group I from childhood.

Due to the increase in the monthly calculation index, from January 1, the amount of the following benefits increased by 5%:

- special state benefits on lists №1 and №2;

- state benefits related to the care of a child under the age of one;

- one-time state childbirth allowance;

- Special state benefits, state allowances for mothers with many children, awarded the "Altyn Alka", "Kumis Alka" or previously awarded the title of "Batyr Ana" and the Order "Ana Danky";

- four or more minor children living together, including from secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and (or) higher education institutions until they graduate from educational institutions after reaching the age of majority (but before the age of twenty-three); state benefits for large families with children studying full-time in post-secondary educational institutions;

- One-time cash benefits for citizens affected by the nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and victims of mass political repressions, but not paid.

In accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance", the amount of social benefits from the Social Insurance Fund for loss of ability to work and loss of a breadwinner was also increased by 5%.


National portal "Adyrna"
