Eggs have become more expensive

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Following the results of 8 months, the volume of egg production in the country decreased by 8%, and prices rose by 30%. Maxim Bozhko, head of the Association of Egg Producers of Kazakhstan, said at a round table on "The concept of a new program for the development of the agro-industrial complex" in the capital, Adyrna correspondent reports citing Kazinform.

"The main task of the state in the field of agriculture is the employment of people in rural areas, the provision of food to the population at affordable prices. There is a contradiction in terms of business, because the purpose of business is to make a profit. If there is income - the entrepreneur is ready to invest and develop. And if there is no income, if people lose their jobs, the state does not pay taxes. Therefore, the business in agriculture must be successful, "said Maxim Bozhko, head of the Association of Egg Producers of Kazakhstan.

He told how to double the success of the business.

"First of all, we need to reduce costs. It is also possible to reduce the cost by reducing the quality of the product, but we do not consider this option. Success can also be increased through the introduction of new technologies. We support this direction. This can be done by providing investment subsidies. You can also double your income by raising the price of your product. Here, too, there is a contradiction between the state and business. The government wants food prices to be affordable and businesses to be more expensive, ”he said.

According to him, last year the Government said that Kazakhstan produces enough eggs, even more than needed, so it is possible to stop paying subsidies to poultry farms.

"At the beginning of the year, we said that the termination of subsidies would reduce production and increase prices. Obviously, this will not please the authorities and the people. But in fact we see that. Following the results of 8 months, the volume of egg production in the country decreased by 8%, and the price of eggs increased by 30%. Why didn't the business produce the same amount of eggs as before? After all, over the past two years, the level of business income has fallen below zero. It operated only at the expense of state subsidies. The Ministry of Agriculture has halved the subsidy. There was also an avian flu epidemic. In this regard, we expect support from the state, because we need to restore the number of birds and production, "said the head of the Association of Egg Producers of Kazakhstan Maxim Bozhko.

National portal "Adyrna"
