Ýchredıtel ı generalnyı dırektor Medıa-grýppy «Yeni Çağ - Azərbaycan», chlen pravlenııa Soveta pressy Azerbaıdjana *Agıl Alesker* prokommentıroval provedennýıý v Azerbaıdjane mejdýnarodnýıý konferenııý OON po klımatý COP29.
«V dekabre proshlogo goda po edınoglasnomý reshenııý pochtı 200 stran Azerbaıdjan byl ýdostoen chestı prınıat ý sebıa COP29, chto stalo demonstraıeı ývajenııa k nasheı strane, a takje prıznanıe eıo aktıvnoı rolı na mejdýnarodnoı arene. Ý nas ýje ımelsıa opyt provedenııa krýpnyh meroprııatıı, takıh kak Evrovıdenıe 2012, Evropeıskıe ıgry 2015, IV Igry ıslamskoı solıdarnostı 2017, samye prestıjnye avtogonkı v mıre «Formýla-1» - «Gran-Prı Azerbaıdjana», ı t.d.
Odnako, COP29 – eto poıstıne masshtabnoe meroprııatıe, ı ıfry, ozvýchennye Prezıdentom Azerbaıdjana Ilhamom Alıevym vo vremıa ego rechı na eremonıı otkrytııa Sammıta mırovyh lıderov COP29, govorıat samı za sebıa. «Ý nas zaregıstrırovano 72 tys. ýchastnıkov ız 196 stran. Sredı nıh 80 prezıdentov, vıe-prezıdentov ı premer-mınıstrov. Takım obrazom, mır sobralsıa v Baký, ı my govorım mırý: «Dobro pojalovat v Azerbaıdjan!». Tak vot, Azerbaıdjan ýverenno spravılsıa s organızaıeı COP29 na vysochaıshem ýrovne.
V etı dnı nasha strana stala entrom vnımanııa mırovoı obestvennostı. Kak my znaem, tekýıı god byl obıavlen Prezıdentom Azerbaıdjana Ilhamom Alıevym «Godom solıdarnostı vo ımıa zelenogo mıra». Pravıtelstvo, gosýdarstvennye strýktýry, nepravıtelstvennye organızaıı na protıajenıı vsego goda gotovılıs k provedenııý stol znachımogo sobytııa.
Prılojennye ýsılııa dalı svoı rezýltaty, ved otlıchnýıý organızaııý COP29 otmechaıýt vse vysokopostavlennye gostı.
Odnako, býkvalno s momenta, kogda Azerbaıdjan byl vybran dlıa provedenııa COP29, nasha strana prevratılas v mıshen horosho organızovannoı klevetnıcheskoı kampanıı, v ramkah kotoroı regýlıarno rasprostranıalıs feıkovye novostı ı dezınformaııa s elıý ochernıt nashe gosýdarstvo. No skolko by ne staralıs opredelennye sıly oklevetat ı sozdat otrıatelnyı obraz Azerbaıdjana, ıh grıaznye kampanıı ne ývenchalıs ýspehom. Azerbaıdjan naglıadno prodemonstrıroval vsemý mırý svoıý prıverjennost ýstoıchıvomý razvıtııý, reshıtelnost k «zelenomý» perehodý, ıspolzovanııý vozobnovlıaemyh ıstochnıkov energıı, a glavnoe – stremlenıe kak mojno skoree reshıt aktýalnye ekologıcheskıe problemy, sozdav v Baký ploadký v ramkah COP29 dlıa obsýjdenııa naıbolee ostryh voprosov, svıazannyh s ızmenenıem klımata, ı prochıh vytekaıýıh ottýda momentov. V ramkah COP29 proshlo mnojestvo meroprııatıı, napravlennyh na obsýjdenıe ı reshenıe etıh vajnyh problem.
Slajennaıa rabota Organızaıonnogo komıteta, sozdannogo v svıazı s provedenıem v Azerbaıdjane SOR29, stala prımerom togo, kak nýjno provodıt stol krýpnye meroprııatııa mejdýnarodnogo ýrovnıa.
Na protıajenıı vseh dneı provedenııa COP29 neskolko tysıach volonterov prılagalı ýsılııa dlıa obespechenııa komforta mnogochıslennyh gosteı, vstrechaıa ıh v aeroportý, pomogaıa s transportom, razmeenıem v otelıah ı ekskýrsııamı po gorodý. No etım ıh rabota ne ogranıchıvalas, ved onı takje bylı aktıvno zadeıstvovany v «zelenoı» ı «golýboı» zonah ploadkı COP29.
S drýgoı storony, provedenıe COP29 sposobstvovalo demonstraıı bogatogo týrıstıcheskogo potenıala, kotorym obladaet nasha strana. Dlıa teh, kto vpervye posetıl Azerbaıdjan, predostavılas ýnıkalnaıa vozmojnost poznakomıtsıa s nasheı stranoı, ee ıstorıeı, obychaıamı, tradıııamı ı kýltýroı.
Provedenıe v Azerbaıdjane 29-oı Konferenıı Storon Ramochnoı konvenıı OON ob ızmenenıı klımata (COP29), kotoraıa proshla s 11 po 22 noıabrıa, v ocherednoı raz pokazalo, chto nasha strana sposobna prınımat ı provodıt na vysochaıshem ýrovne stol vajnye mejdýnarodnye meroprııatııa mırovogo masshtaba».
Founder and CEO of the “ *Yeni Çağ – Azərbaycan* ” Media Group, member of the board of the Press Council of Azerbaijan *Agil Alesger* commented on the UN international climate conference COP29 held in Azerbaijan.
"Last December, by a unanimous decision of almost 200 countries, Azerbaijan was honored to host COP29, which was a demonstration of respect for our country, as well as recognition of its active role in the international arena. We already had experience in holding major events such as Eurovision 2012, the European Games 2015, the IV Islamic Solidarity Games 2017, the most prestigious auto race in the world "Formula 1" - "Azerbaijan Grand Prix", etc.
However, COP29 is a truly large-scale event, and the figures announced by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev during his speech at the opening ceremony of the COP29 World Leaders' Summit speak for themselves. "We have 72 thousand participants from 196 countries registered. Among them are 80 presidents, vice-presidents and prime ministers. Thus, the world has gathered in Baku, and we say to the world: "Welcome to Azerbaijan!" So, Azerbaijan confidently managed to organize COP29 at the highest level.
These days, our country has become the center of attention of the world community. As we know, the current year was declared by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev "The Year of Solidarity for a Green World". The government, state structures, non-governmental organizations have been preparing for such a significant event throughout the year.
The efforts made have yielded results, because all high-ranking guests note the excellent organization of COP29. However, literally from the moment Azerbaijan was chosen to host COP29, our country became the target of a well-organized smear campaign, regularly spreading fake news and disinformation to denigrate our country. But no matter how hard certain forces tried to slander and create a negative image of Azerbaijan, their dirty campaigns were not crowned with success. Azerbaijan clearly demonstrated to the whole world its commitment to sustainable development, determination to the "green" transition, the use of renewable energy sources, and most importantly - the desire to solve urgent environmental problems as soon as possible, creating a platform in Baku within the framework of COP29 to discuss the most pressing issues related to climate change and other issues arising from it. Within the framework of COP29, many events were held aimed at discussing and solving these important problems.
The well-coordinated work of the Organizing Committee, created in connection with the holding of COP29 in Azerbaijan, became an example of how such large-scale international events should be held.
Throughout the days of COP29, several thousand volunteers made efforts to ensure the comfort of numerous guests, meeting them at the airport, helping with transportation, hotel accommodation and city tours. But their work was not limited to this, as they were also actively involved in the "green" and "blue" zones of the COP29 site.
On the other hand, holding COP29 contributed to demonstrating the rich tourism potential that our country has. Those who visited Azerbaijan for the first time were given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with our country, its history, customs, traditions and culture.
Holding the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Azerbaijan, which took place from November 11 to 22, once again showed that our country is capable of hosting and holding such important international events of global scale at the highest level”.