"Are we retreating?..." Biden made a statement regarding Ukraine

Adyrna.kz Telegram

US President Joe Biden said that due to the reduction of aid, Ukraine is in a critical phase of the conflict. The Bloomberg agency wrote about it, the "Adyrna" national portal reported.

According to reports, Biden expressed concern at a fund-raising event in New York that Ukraine's allies are abandoning Kyiv, stressing that Ukraine is at a critical juncture in the conflict.

"What are we doing? Retreating?" - said the head of the USA angrily.

In this regard, the US Senate on Monday presented a bill that would combine the allocation of money to provide border security, aid to Ukraine and Israel.

In addition, the overall bill proposes to allocate $118.28 billion, including $60.06 billion to support Kyiv. At the same time, three times less - 20.2 billion dollars - is planned to be spent on border security.

And the President of the United States expressed his support for the bill and called on Congress to pass it as soon as possible.

However, the proposed bill has been heavily criticized by Republican politicians. Former US President Donald Trump has argued that only an idiot or a radical left-wing Democrat would vote for the bill.

US House Speaker Mike Johnson said a bill combining aid to Kiev, Israel and US border protection was "worse than expected" and the initiative will fail.
