The status of the elbasy does not require special enshrinement in the Constitution - Erlan Karin

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Secretary of State of Kazakhstan Erlan Karin has made a statement on constitutional reform in Kazakhstan, Adyrna correspondent reports.

"Today, the Constitutional Council gave a positive opinion on the draft amendments to the Constitution. This is one of the most important stages in the implementation of constitutional reform, which is especially important for the future of the state and the nation.
The constitutional reform is aimed at optimizing the balance of power between the branches of government, expanding public participation in governing the country, strengthening the protection of constitutional rights of citizens. Also, taking into account the proposals of some members of the working group, an additional request was sent to the Constitutional Council to remove the provision on the status of the First President.

According to them, the historical role of the First President is well known and it does not require special approval in the Constitution. The reform will be implemented in the interests of society as a whole, "he said.

National portal "Adyrna"
