A father who lost his 15-year-old son filed a complaint regarding the court hearing

Adyrna.kz Telegram
foto: Ratel.kz
foto: Ratel.kz

In Kyzylorda, a father who lost his 15-year-old son expressed his dissatisfaction with the court hearing, reports the “Adyrna” national portal.

According to Stan.kz, a 43-year-old man named Medeu Arystanbek stated that his son Abdul-Aziz died as a result of bullying by boys nine years older than him. The single father of three is now complaining about the irrational format of the court process.

He said the first court hearing was held without notifying the victim’s side and without their participation. The third hearing did not start on time because the prosecutor and the defendant’s lawyer were consulting together in the same room.

“In 2021, my wife left, divorcing me and leaving our three children. I had two daughters and my only son. He was an athlete, competing in arm wrestling at 90 kg, where he often took first and second place. At 15, he was still just a boy, with his bones not yet fully developed,” said Medeu Arystanbek.

The case of Abdul-Aziz, the deceased student, is being reviewed in the Zhanakorgan District Court. Medeu explained that the investigation was incomplete when it was passed to the court without informing them. He only found out the investigation had reached the court afterward. The first court hearing notification or summons never arrived, and they were not present at the hearing. According to the law, the investigator should have given the indictment to him in advance, but it was only handed to him during the second hearing, 20 days later, and in the middle of the court session.

The third hearing, scheduled to start at 3:30 PM, was delayed. When his lawyer left the courtroom at around 4:00 PM out of frustration, they saw the prosecutor and the defense lawyer consulting together in another room. The father suspects foul play and fears injustice.

Medeu added that only one of the three boys involved has taken responsibility, while the other two, instead of being treated as suspects, have become witnesses. The main suspect, a 24-year-old, is currently in custody, and the reason for the fight was bullying. Medeu also revealed that older boys in the village were extorting money from younger ones.
