People's loans can be forgiven - ECONOMIST

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Ex-senator, economist Valikhan Kaisarov gave an interview and commented on the economic potential of Kazakhstan, reported.

Speaking about the loan, the economist told about the possible criminal proceedings against the "bankrupt" population.

- If an individual says that he is bankrupt and can not repay the loan, he can be included in the bankruptcy procedure. He will face some restrictions, he will not be able to cross the border for 3 years. You can't get any loan for 5 years. Can't guarantee, can't guarantee. Within five years, he will be obliged to repay the debt if his well-being improves. If the situation improves in 5 years, nothing will come back, - explained the economist.

"Is it possible to forgive all the debts of the people?" he asked.

- People's loans can be forgiven economically. But as an economist, I do not think it is right. There are those who paid for their hard-earned money and got rid of it. 12% of people are unable to pay, 88% are repaying their loans. Then, if the debts of those who are unable to pay are forgiven, those who paid will regret that they paid in vain, - said Kaisarov.

National portal "Adyrna"
