The U.S. President stated the need to hold elections in Ukraine

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فوتو: Sarah Meyssonnier/ Pool via AP
فوتو: Sarah Meyssonnier/ Pool via AP

U.S. President Donald Trump stated the need to hold elections in Ukraine during a press conference at his residence in Florida, reports the “Adyrna” national portal.

According to him, if Kyiv wants to participate in negotiations to resolve the conflict with Russia, this would be an important step.

The White House leader noted that the approval rating of the current Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has dropped to 4%. The Republican politician stated that elections have not been held in Ukraine for a long time.

“There have been no elections in Ukraine for a long time. Martial law has been introduced there. As sad as it is for me to acknowledge this, the support for the Ukrainian leader stands at 4%،” the U.S. president said.

Trump explained that the issue of holding elections in Ukraine is not a demand from Russia but is a concern for many countries.

It is worth noting that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This was announced on February 18 by Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

“The legal confirmation of the agreements requires deep discussion, considering that Zelensky’s legitimacy can be questioned,” the Kremlin representative emphasized.

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