Another injured worker died at a ferroalloy plant in Karaganda

1986 Telegram

In Karagandy, another worker of the YDD Corporation ferroalloy plant, owned by Yerlan Nigmatulin, the brother of the ex-speaker of Mazhilis, Nurlan Nigmatulin, died, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

"Today, the company's employee, technologist Kazken Yerulan Kairbekuly died in the hospital," the company's press service reported.

Before that, the head of the furnace, Ismailov Muzafar Imantayuly, died in the hospital.

We remind you that on July 20, an emergency situation occurred at YDD Corporation's ferroalloy plant. A sudden fire broke out in furnace No. 1, as a result of which eight employees of the enterprise were injured.
