About three hundred soldiers died in three years. The deputy spoke about "injustice" in the army

Adyrna.kz Telegram
foto: Májilis baspasózinen
foto: Májilis baspasózinen

Majilis deputy Nartai Aralbayuly sent a question to Defense Minister Ruslan Zhaksylykov about the current situation in the army, reported the national portal "Adyrna".

According to the deputy, in the next three years, 270 military personnel died in Kazakhstan, and in the last four years, 86 suicides were registered in the army, 20 military personnel tried to commit suicide.

"This is the official number announced by the military prosecutor's office. In August 2023, the commander of one of the military units beat and beat a new soldier with a chair. What happened after that, the case was closed with the parties reaching an agreement. The soldier, who was only 1 month old, was admitted to the intensive care unit unconscious," said the deputy.
