Employing youth is in a special attention.

Adyrna.kz Telegram

At the emergency meeting held in the regional administration, the head of the region, Gali Eskaliev, said that the level of employment in the region was low, that work with young people was not being carried out at its level, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

During the meeting, issues of transferring communal property to trust management and ensuring road traffic safety were also discussed.

According to Dulat Imashev, the head of the youth policy department of the West Bank, work on clarifying state programs has been carried out within the framework of the "The future is in your hands" project. 213.3 million tenge were given as a wholesale allowance to 700 young specialists under the "Diploma to the village" program, and 307 specialists were given loans for housing in the total amount of 1,386.9 million tenge.
