Soldier Erbayan Mukhtar’s lawyer has filed a complaint with the General Prosecutor’s Office

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The lawyer for Erbayan Mukhtar, who was injured while in the military, has filed a complaint against the investigator, reports the “Adyrna” national portal.

Lawyer Inga Imanbay stated that she filed a complaint due to the stagnation of the case. She explained, “I am searching for the investigator in Erbayan Mukhtar’s case. This is not a joke. Unfortunately, the investigation is at a standstill. Nearly a year has passed since the incident, but there has been no progress. I have been representing the case for five months, yet investigator Ualikhan Kydyrbay has conducted no investigative actions beyond a forensic medical examination. There has been no introduction to the case materials or any photos or videos from the scene. Attempts to contact him for answers have been unsuccessful, as he doesn’t respond to calls. It’s impossible to determine if the forensic report is complete or learn any other case details. Therefore, I was forced to file a complaint with the General Prosecutor’s Office yesterday to request a legal assessment of the investigator’s actions and to obtain information on the investigation’s status. Now, we await a response,” Imanbay wrote on her social media page.

It is worth noting that Erbayan Mukhtar is 22 years old and the eldest of four siblings. He voluntarily joined the military, but several months later, he fell into a coma and was hospitalized. The soldier, who was in a coma for six months due to his military injuries, has drawn widespread concern across the country.
