A student who plucks a Greig tulip may be fined

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: Түркістан облыстық ПД
Фото: Түркістан облыстық ПД

In the south, a 22-year-old resident may be fined about a million tenge for picking tulips, reports "Adyrna" correspondent.

This was announced by the Turkestan Regional PD.

A 22-year-old resident of Ordabasy district of Turkestan region collected tulips that were included in the Red Book and protected by law.

A female student filmed the moment she picked the endangered Greig tulips and uploaded it online.
"He plucked flowers included in the Red Book in the field located in Uyalyzhar rural district, took a video and published it on his page. Data on taking rare and endangered plant species was registered in the police department. All the circumstances are being determined," said the press service of the regional PD.

Let us remind you that the tulip, which has become the beauty of the hill, is a plant included in the Red Book. In case of uprooting the plant, the law provides for a fine.
