The Department of Emergency Situations issued a warning to the residents of Almaty

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The Department of Emergency Situations of the city of Almaty issued a warning to the residents of the city about the weather, the correspondent of "Adyrna" reported.

The department noted that today, February 16, there will be rain and snow in the city, and a sharp drop in air temperature is expected.

"In the background of frost, the probability of domestic fires increases due to overloading of electrical networks, violation of the rules for the use of electrical appliances, improper use of gas equipment, coal stoves, and the use of homemade heating devices. On weekends, the mercury will drop to -20 degrees," the report said.

Department of Trade and Industry of Almaty warns:

it is strictly forbidden to connect several electrical devices to one outlet;
electrical devices connected to power sources should not be left unattended for a long time;
If the electrical device is overheated or the insulation of the wires is damaged, immediately disconnect it from the power supply.
