The head of a large mining company was arrested in Kazakhstan

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On February 3, 2024, officers of the police department of the North Kazakhstan region arrested Viktor Dolgalev, one of the co-owners of the "Tiolain" company, for unauthorized use of the subsoil, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

Currently, he is imprisoned in a temporary detention facility. The criminal case was transferred to the regional financial monitoring agency for further investigation.

In addition, V. Dolgalev is being investigated for engaging in illegal entrepreneurship by obtaining large amounts of income.

"According to the investigation, in March 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development prematurely terminated the contract for the use of subsoil at the Obukhovskoye deposit due to the company's failure to fulfill its financial and investment obligations for 38 billion tenge," said Alibek Abdilov, the official representative of the Financial Monitoring Agency.

The Supreme Court confirmed the legality of the actions of the competent body.

In addition, on June 1, 2020, V. Dolgalev was prohibited from managing the property of "Tioline" company by court decision.

Despite this, it seems that V. Dolgalev continued illegal mining through the structures under his control and exported to China and other countries under gray schemes.

"In only three years (2021-2023), about 113 thousand tons of ore were exported. According to the conclusion of the specialist, the total amount of criminal income exceeded 26 billion tenge. About 7.5 thousand hectares of agricultural lands adjacent to the mine were used for these funds. was purchased and illegal mining was also carried out there. Facts of evasion of taxes and payments to the budget for 2 billion tenge were revealed. Currently, investigative efforts aimed at determining all the circumstances of the committed crime are being conducted. Other information in accordance with Article 201 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is public It is not appropriate to do it," said Alibek Abdilov.
