Import of vehicles in Uzbekistan. China is leading the way

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According to the results of 2023, cars imported from China to Uzbekistan amounted to 58,078 units, which is 5.2 times more than last year's figures (11,158 cars), reports the national portal "Adyrna" with reference to the Statistics Agency under the President of the Central Asian Republic.

According to the report, 73,204 cars were imported to Uzbekistan from abroad, which is 2.4 times more than in 2022. Then the import volume was set at 30,388 units.

The cost of delivery of machines reached 1.8 billion dollars.

About 80% of the total volume of cars imported to the republic last year was imported from China. The list includes South Korea — 11,481 and the United States — 2,210. Hong Kong and Japan are in fifth place, but the number of cars delivered from each of these countries does not exceed 500.
