Review of Education Reforms

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The system of higher education has changed radically in 4 years. The most important changes related to the working conditions of teaching staff, academic freedom, and educational institutions could now develop their own educational programs. Emphasis was placed on creating favorable conditions for training students in a centralized system in accordance with modern requirements. Comprehensive reforms are aimed at increasing the quality and competitiveness of the education system. Various initiatives and programs have been implemented in the country aimed at modernizing the education sector, ensuring that it meets the requirements of the workforce, and introducing digital technologies into the educational process.

In 2020, due to the coronavirus restrictions, the education system faced a number of challenges: the lack of internet in remote areas and technical problems significantly complicated the educational process. Education was mainly conducted at a distance. Since such a situation has never happened before, a number of normative and legal acts have been updated. New qualification requirements and model rules of educational organizations have been adopted. The educational development program for 2020-2025 also reflected high requirements for technological equipment, a new atlas of specialties and competency models of future graduates.
