5G will be launched in 14 cities of Kazakhstan by 2025

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Now, after 2 years, 5G technology will be launched in 8 cities of Kazakhstan, the national portal "Adyrna" writes .

According to Baq.kz, it will be installed in 6 more cities in 2025, and the "fifth generation" of mobile communication will be available in 25 cities of the country in 2026.

This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Digital Development Askhat Orazbek.

In addition, the vice-minister answered the journalists' question about the quality of the Internet in the country.

99 percent of the country's territory is covered. However, this does not mean that it is of good quality in all regions, - said Vice Minister Askhat Orazbek.

In connection with this, 532 complaints were received last year, and 135 million tenge were fined to communication operators. The vice-minister focused on the regions where internet delivery is difficult due to the complex geographical topography.

"Adyrna" national portal
