Tragedy in Zhitiqara: The governor of Kostanay Region made a statement

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The governor of Kostanay Region, Kumar Aksakalov, spoke about the tragic incident in Zhitiqara, where five children died in a house fire, according to the “Adyrna” national portal, citing Nasha Gazeta.

During a meeting with residents of Rudny, the governor commented on the children’s deaths in the fire. “A commission will investigate. We are currently checking whether the services responsible for preventing such tragedies fulfilled their duties. First of all, we need to equip registered families with gas analyzers. In 2019, a gas analyzer was installed in this home, and it was operational,” said Aksakalov.

The governor mentioned that the house had been inspected as recently as August. “However, according to one of the children, something had burned. The commission is investigating all the details. Unfortunately, such a tragedy has occurred. We apologize,” Aksakalov stated.

The mother, who lost all five of her children, will receive social assistance. “A new home equipped with all necessary facilities will be purchased today or tomorrow, within a day or two,” Aksakalov added.

The governor also noted that the affected family had previously been registered as a recipient of targeted social assistance. “Unfortunately, the children’s father is in prison, and their mother worked at a local store,” Aksakalov said.

It was previously reported that a fire in a private home in Zhitiqara, Kostanay Region, caused the roof to collapse, resulting in the deaths of five children.
