Archive is a mirror of history

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The issue of preserving our national values, including the voice and image of culture, science and statesmen, is always an important issue for the archive.

In order to implement the "Archive - 2025" program as a continuation of the "Cultural Heritage" state program, we went on a business trip to the film and photo archive located in the city of Krasnogorsk of the Russian Federation.

We looked at and studied the documents from the card file and the electronic database. We saw more than a hundred film documents in a special installation and searched through thousands of photo documents.

It was found that we have some of them in our stock. But including 1920-1930. The portraits of people who served our country and were subsequently repressed were very rare in our collection. To fill this gap, we tried to get photos related to the statesmen of those years. We searched and found.
