Problems have arisen in Uzbekistan related to energy supply

2015 Telegram

The state of Uzbekistan began to save energy resources. The national portal "Adyrna" reported that there were problems in the country's energy supply, and the export of liquefied gas was banned.
In Uzbekistan, until March 1, 2023, the vehicles of state bodies will completely switch to gasoline. This is directly related to the reduction of liquefied gas in the country. The decision was made at a meeting of the presidential administration, reported.

The authorities of Uzbekistan have signed the following resolutions. They:

all producers and traders are prohibited from exporting liquefied gas;
liquefied gas is supplied in cases where it is not possible to supply the population with natural gas;
Extending temporary restrictions on the supply of electricity to pumping stations in the system of the Ministry of Water Resources until the end of the year;
increasing the import of gasoline, as well as raw materials for the production of gasoline and diesel fuel;
To prevent intermediary companies from interfering in the trading of AI-80 gasoline on the stock exchange;
The calculation and collection of excise duty on the import of AI-80 gasoline and excise duty on its retail sale was suspended for a period of two months;
the daily volume of AI-80 gasoline sold on the exchange will be increased.
Specifically, by March 1, 2023, vehicles running on liquefied gas and belonging to state agencies will switch to gasoline.

"Adyrna" national portal
