The whole Kazakh nation has started to celebrate Nauryz, a beautiful spring holiday, the beginning of the year. Nauryz holiday is not only national, but international holiday. March is also recognized as an international holiday by the UN. The holiday will be celebrated in our country for three days from the 21st to the 23rd, the national portal "Adyrna" reports.
Nauryz holiday is one of the oldest holidays on earth. For more than five thousand years, it has been celebrated by the peoples of Central Asia and, according to some sources, by the Eastern Slavs as a celebration of spring and the renewal of nature.
According to ancient accounts, this date usually corresponds to the spring equinox. That is why the Kazakhs called the month of March Nauryz. It was believed that on this day there will be a renewal in nature, the first thunder of spring, the trees will bud, and the greenery will grow. It should be noted that the Nauryz holiday, as a non-religious holiday of spring and renewal, is common to the farewell of winter and many other important moments in the life of all peoples of Kazakhstan.
If boys were born on this day, they were traditionally called Nauryzbay or Nauryzbek, and girls simply Nauryz or Nauryzgul. If it snowed that day, it was considered a good sign. Even the beautiful girl in Kazakh legends is compared to the white snow of Nauryz, because in March it usually snows, especially white, soft and fluffy.
This has become a tradition among the people: if Nauryz is celebrated on a large scale, the year will be blessed. Hence the abundance of festive customs and attributes. On the eve of the spring equinox, people put their houses in order, pay off their debts, and reconcile with those who are in conflict. After all, as the old people say, when Nauryz enters their homes, all illnesses and failures should bypass them.
On the eve of the holiday, milk, kefir, grain, and spring water were poured into all the vessels, hoping for abundant milk, crops, and rainfall, and everyone aspired to good luck on Nauryz Day. Mood, when they met, they hugged each other and expressed good wishes for all the troubles and misfortunes to pass.
According to the ancient tradition, the main taste during the Nauryz holiday is March-kozhe, which consists of 7 ingredients representing the 7 elements of life. These are water, meat, salt, oil, flour, cereal (rice, corn or wheat) and milk. In popular belief, they represent joy, luck, wisdom, health, wealth, speed, growth and divine protection.
On Nowruz holiday, people try to visit relatives and friends, invite them to visit.
The content of the Nauryz holiday is gradually expanding while preserving the traditional elements. The celebration of Nauryz is now filled with various national entertainments, pageants and performances, including concerts of folk songs and dances.
"Adyrna" national portal