New policy: China will lift quarantine restrictions after January 8

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TO GO WITH AFP STORY "China-politics-rights-Tiananmen" by Robert Saiget

(FILES) This file photo taken on June 2, 1989 shows hundreds of thousands of Chinese gathering around a 10-metre replica of the Statue of Liberty (C), called the Goddess of Democracy, in Tiananmen Square demanding democracy despite martial law in Beijing.  Families of those killed in the crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests on June 2, 2010 demanded China end its silence and open a dialogue on the bloodshed. In an annual open letter, 128 members of the Tiananmen Mothers castigated the Communist Party government for ignoring its calls for openness on the crackdown that occurred June 3-4, 1989 and vowed never to give up their fight.  (Photo by CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP/Getty Images)
TO GO WITH AFP STORY "China-politics-rights-Tiananmen" by Robert Saiget (FILES) This file photo taken on June 2, 1989 shows hundreds of thousands of Chinese gathering around a 10-metre replica of the Statue of Liberty (C), called the Goddess of Democracy, in Tiananmen Square demanding democracy despite martial law in Beijing. Families of those killed in the crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests on June 2, 2010 demanded China end its silence and open a dialogue on the bloodshed. In an annual open letter, 128 members of the Tiananmen Mothers castigated the Communist Party government for ignoring its calls for openness on the crackdown that occurred June 3-4, 1989 and vowed never to give up their fight. (Photo by CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP/Getty Images)

The National Health Commission (NCH) of the People's Republic of China has announced that starting from January 8, it will ease the control of the COVID-19 virus and relax the quarantine rules. That is, the level of control in the country will be reduced from A to B class, the national portal "Adyrna"reports.

People arriving in China were no longer subject to quarantine. The Chinese authorities did not isolate the regions where the coronavirus spread widely and the epidemic was escalating. This was reported by the Global Times.
- This decision was made when China's fight against COVID-19 entered a new stage, as the virulence of the virus has decreased, and most of the population has received the vaccine, - Chinese experts said.

However, the Chinese authorities will continue to monitor the spread of the epidemic and whether it increases or decreases abroad. Insurance activities for the people will continue.

The decision comes as China's fight against COVID-19 enters a new phase, as the virulence of the virus has waned and more of the population has received the vaccine.

On January 20, 2020, Chinese authorities classified COVID-19 as a Class B infectious disease after doctors discovered the virus' ability to spread between humans. This is a class that includes HIV, viral hepatitis and H7N9 avian influenza. However, at the time, the PRC authorities said that COVID-19 should be considered a Category A disease, alongside bubonic plague and cholera.

Health experts argue that reducing the level of management is not the same as completely abandoning the control of COVID-19.

"Adyrna" national portal
