In the capital the training ways of linguists were discussed

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Linguistic specialists and employees gathered in the Advisory Board and discussed ways to develop bilingual education. According to the organizers, today there is a shortage of linguists in the Kazakh and English languages, which is a topical issue in Kazakhstan.
The meeting focused on the ways to expand the use of Kazakh language in international communication, the trajectory of training in the program "Kazakh-English languages ​​and linguistics."
Among the Kazakh universities, we first began to train specialists in the program "Kazakh-English languages ​​and linguistics." We teach students English from the beginning,ABC. We train highly qualified linguists of Kazakh and English languages, we teach students to freely translate from Kazakh to English, from English to Kazakh. Also, graduates of these programs can work in the field of media, "- said the Head of the program" Kazakh-English languages ​​and linguistics "Akerke Salimova.
The meeting was attended by the head of the Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynov, representatives of the National Testing Center, the National Research and Practice Center "Til-Kazyna", the newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan", the Foundation for the Development of the State Language Company.
In the Advisory Board of KAZGUU partners discussed the possibility of conducting internships with students of this program and stressed the demand for programs in the labor market. Participants were invited to introduce new disciplines that reflect the uniqueness of minors "Medialinguistics", "Language and Translation".

University Press Service
KAZGUU named after MS Narikbaev.

Translated by:The national portal "Adyrna"
