Veteran journalist Samat Ibraim has passed away

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Veteran journalist Samat Ibraim has passed away, as announced by journalist Bagdagul Balaubaeva on her Facebook page, reported by the “Adyrna” national portal.

“He was a man with a unique place in my life. A person of distinct character. His simplicity and dedication were a model for others. He was the editor who led me into journalism… Now, I’m writing memories as both Samat and Nurperzent, who brought kindness into our lives, have departed. Farewell, dear brother,” wrote Bagdagul Balaubaeva.

The farewell ceremony for Samat Ibraim, a member of the Kazakhstan Writers’ Union and the Kazakhstan Journalists’ Union, and an academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Journalism, will take place on November 6 at the Kazakhstan Writers’ Union.

Samat Bektenuly Ibraim was born on June 18, 1955, in Aibas village, Isatai district, Atyrau region. He was a journalist and a lawyer. He graduated from the journalism faculty of Kazakh State University (1982) and the law faculty of D.A. Kunayev University of Humanities (1999). He began his career in 1972 as an operator at the “Zhaiyqmunaigas” company. From 1974 to 1976, he served in the military. Ibraim worked as a correspondent for the Atyrau regional newspaper “Kommunistik enbek” (1982-86), as the Caspian region correspondent for the national newspaper “Leninshil zhas” (1986-90), and as the head of department, executive secretary, and deputy editor-in-chief for the “Halyk kenesi” newspaper, which served the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1990-1996). He also served as the head of a department in the General Prosecutor’s Office of Kazakhstan and as editor-in-chief of the “Law and Time” journal (1996-2003). Later, he was the director of “Zangnama” LLC and editor-in-chief of the national magazine “Aqiqat” (2003-2009). Since March 2009, he had served as the editor-in-chief of the “Ana tili” newspaper.

Ibraim’s publications include the story collection Gumyrlyk sagynish (2003) as part of the Atyrau Akyn-Zhazuuchylarynyn Kitapkhanasy series, and biographical essays on prominent oil industry figures such as Salamat Mukashev (2006), Askar Kulybayev (2007), and Zhetpisbay Yesenzhanov (2008) in the Kazakh Oilmen Honored Figures series produced by the “Munayshy” foundation. He compiled and edited the book Dauir Dauysy (1997), a history of the Kazakhstan Prosecutor’s Office. Additionally, Ibraim translated numerous educational and informational books on history, law, and economics into Kazakh, including N. Nazarbayev: Founder of Interethnic and Interfaith Harmony in Kazakhstan (2005), The Caspian Shelf (2000), and several volumes of the “Cultural Heritage” program such as Kazakhstan’s Contemporary Cultural Paradigms (10th volume, 2006) and World Philosophical Heritage: 20th-Century Cultural Philosophy (17th volume, 2008).
