"Old Kazakhstan" was also mentioned in Bishimbaev's trial

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Today, on May 3, the public defender Almira Nurlybekova, the mother of the former Minister of National Economy Kuandyk Bishimbaev, spoke at the Astana court, the reporter of "Adyrna" reported.

"We apologize to Saltanat's family for the situation. Kuandyk made an act that turned into a tragedy. The aggrieved party called my son a parasite of society, a person of "Old Kazakhstan". The defenders said that he should be punished for all the officials who have ruled Kazakhstan in the last 30 years. I ask that all the sins and difficulties of the society should not be blamed on one person, my son. I am asking you to be fair and show mercy to my son. Until the end of my life, I will distinguish where I made a mistake in education," said the ex-minister's mother.
