Kyzylorda officials plan to spend 1.2 billion tenge on regional football

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Фото: twitter/ Mirror Football
Фото: twitter/ Mirror Football

Kyzylorda officials plan to spend 1.2 billion tenge on football, reports the national portal "Adyrna".

"Customer - KMM "Kyzylorda Oblast Department of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism"; name - services of sports clubs; additional description - services for organizing the preparation and participation of the regional football team in the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the teams of the Premier League, the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the teams of the second league, the football Cup of the Republic. The planned amount is 1.2 billion tenge," says the description of the lot published on the state procurement portal.

Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition will continue from March 5 to March 14.
