"Kazakh Media Association" made an appeal regarding "Adyrna" portal

Adyrna.kz Telegram

"Kazakh Media Association" is concerned about the situation of pressure and harassment around the "Adyrna" national portal.

Unfortunately, recently there has been an increase in various degrees of pressure on the media and journalists, obstruction of their legal activities and taking them to court on various grounds, complaints to the police. Although freedom of the press is guaranteed in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, attacks against that freedom are not incessant.

"Of course, it is true that every citizen has the right to express his opinion, to defend himself and to appeal to the court when necessary. However, recently there have been more and more cases where the media or journalists are being blamed for everything. We believe that despite the fact that editorial offices comply with the requirements specified in the media law in any dispute, the opposing parties somehow drag the media and journalists to court and take revenge-like actions, which should concern not only the media community, but the entire society and the authorities. That is why we call on the strict suppression of pressure and harassment of media and journalists and to pay close attention to the competent authorities in every such case.

Another pressure is being exerted on the national portal "Adyrna". We demand that open and fair measures be taken immediately in relation to this editorial office, and that actions that hinder their work be stopped!", the appeal noted.

On January 2, 2023, ADYRNA ULLTYQ PORTALY published an interview with ex-deputy Tolen Toktasynov under the title "I believed in Galymzhan Zhakiyanov" on the YouTube channel.

Later, on August 17, 2023, Galymzhan Zhakiyanov, the ex-mayor of Pavlodar region and Semey city, filed a complaint with the Alatau District Court against the national portal "Adyrna" and Tolen Toktasynov. Today, the court process, which has lasted for several months, continues on the issue of this interview.

"On February 26, 2023 at 15:00 in the Alatau district court of Almaty city, a preliminary hearing on this case will be held.

The YouTube channel and editorial office of the "Adyrna" national portal did not aim to discredit the conscience and reputation of Galymzhan Zhakiyanov, or to publish distorted information. During the interview, only the journalist asked the speaker a question. And the interviewer shared his opinion. It was published without any changes or false information. And the national portal "Adyrna" stated several times that the politician Galymzhan Zhakiyanov was invited to an interview and was ready to give a place on the air. Even during the first interview with Tolen Toktasynov, Zhakiyanov was offered to come to the studio and explain the situation. But Zhakiyanov categorically refused this offer. In addition, the "Adyrna" national portal has been continuously publishing all of Galymzhan Zhakiyanov's statements on Facebook. That is, neutrality is taking a position.

The editors are confident that the method of disseminating information is correct and that they did not act against anyone's interests, and consider this case to be a fact of pressuring the media. On February 26, 2023 at 15:00 at the Alatau District Court of Almaty city (Zhankozha Batyr, 26/1), we invite all media representatives and public activists to the speech contest (debate format)! Come to support justice, truth, and freedom of speech!", the text of the appeal noted.
