"Concussion". In Almaty, a madrasah employee beat a 15-year-old boy

Adyrna.kz Telegram

In a charity institution in Almaty, an employee of the institution raised his hand and beat a 15-year-old boy. As a result of the blow, the child's brain was damaged, the national portal "Adyrna" reports with reference to the Almaty.tv TV channel.
According to witnesses, the boy escaped from the building and ran away barefoot on the snow.

"A teenager came out in front of me. Bare feet are crying. He was afraid and hid behind the car. I asked what happened. He told me that he was beaten, - said witness Abzal Shakenov.

Eyewitnesses gave immediate help to the child and reported the situation to the police. Now the teenager is in the hospital.

Kurmetbek Toktar, the head of the patient support and internal examination service of the Children's Emergency Center, says that the child was beaten by a teacher in the madrasa, as a result of which he was diagnosed with a concussion and a hematoma around the eyes.

According to Zhetkenshek, he started to feel uncomfortable before the incident. However, the employee of the institution did not believe the child's words as his "excuse" for not saying "prayer".

When he said, "I don't study, I'm leaving," the teacher said, "Go and leave." Where are you going?" said. When he was running, he was caught and hit in the face. It also affects the child's psyche. The child is tired. To tell the truth, his whole face and mouth are swollen, - complained the child's mother.

Now the police have begun to determine the circumstances.

It should be noted that previously banned religious literature was found in the charity institution. The total number of boarding houses in other regions is more than 90. According to the authorities, all these institutions look after the same charitable foundation.
