Yerlan Karin: The National Congress is becoming an open and effective dialogue platform

2754 Telegram

"The National Assembly is the main consultative body under the President". This opinion was written by State Councilor Yerlan Karin on his Telegram channel, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

"The National Assembly is the main consultative and advisory body under the President. The head of state initiated the creation of this organization in his last year's Address. The National Assembly includes well-known public figures and experts, as well as active representatives of civil society in the regions. Currently, the National Assembly is the State is establishing and developing a direct dialogue between its head with public activists and experts. For example, today the President met with Talgat Kaliyev, a member of the National Assembly, Director of the Institute of Applied Ethno-Political Studies. At the meeting, issues related to the work of expert structures and conducting applied research were discussed." Yerlan Karin wrote.
