Secretary of Abay region's maslikhat was elected

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By the Decree of President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, the secretary of the Abay regio maslikhat was elected today, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

Currently, the first session of the Abay regional maslikhat is being held in Semey. Kuanysh Suleimenov is the secretary of the deputies.

Kuanysh Serkazyevich was born in 1973 in the former city of Shar, Semipalatinsk region. He graduated from the Faculty of History of Semipalatinsk State University. He continued his studies at the Kazakh State Law Academy, Shakarim State University in Semey, majoring in "Technology of livestock production" and received a master's degree in agricultural sciences. Until now, he has been the General Director of Shalabay LLP.

Earlier, the deputies of Abay regional maslikhat were approved.

National portal "Adyrna"
