Six cars and a bus loaded with Kazakhstani fuel were detained at the Kyrgyzstan border

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At the ‘Ak-Zhol’ checkpoint in Kyrgyzstan, six off-road vehicles and one bus transporting fuel from Kazakhstan to the republic were detained, reports the national portal ‘Adyrna.’

The Kyrgyz Republic’s Main Directorate for Road Traffic Safety is conducting checks on vehicles passing through the ‘Ak-Zhol’ checkpoint between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan as part of the ‘Additional Equipment’ raid from October 16 to October 20.

‘During the raid, six Toyota Land Cruiser off-road vehicles and a passenger bus with additional fuel tanks were identified,’ the statement said.

A case has been opened in the neighboring country for illegally installing additional tanks and transporting fuel. All collected materials have been sent to the investigation service, and the vehicles have been placed in an impound lot.
