Teacher of mathematics NIS Taldykorgan became the owner of the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Laura Tatieva, a teacher of mathematics at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Taldykorgan, received a badge from the Minister of Education Askhat Aimagambetova for her achievements in the field of education and science.

Laura Tatieva is one of the leading educators of the digital educational platform Online Mektep. For 16 months, NIS teacher teaches algebra and geometry in the Kazakh language.

- Online Mektep contains educational content for all school subjects with grades 1-11 according to Typical school plans for students of general education schools of the country. So, more than 500 teachers-developers are involved in the project, including teachers of NISH and general education schools of the country. Lessons are conducted as well as at school, only online, - tells the teacher NIS.

Laura Tatieva's math lessons are available on the YouTube channel under the Online Mektep tag. Video materials on physics, chemistry and biology are presented here in two languages.
