The minister does not see anything wrong with teachers participating in school yard clean-up activities

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Minister of Education and Science Gani Beisembaev mentioned that there has been a noticeable reduction in the issues related to overburdening teachers with extra work over the years, reports “Adyrna.”

“Compared to 2019, we see a decrease in the shortcomings related to involving teachers in excessive work or assigning tasks outside of their responsibilities. While complaints were abundant in previous years, there are fewer now. However, we’ve noticed that some schools, on their own initiative, have increased paperwork or reporting for teachers. If I receive information that additional, unnecessary tasks are being imposed from the ministry or regional education departments, it is addressed immediately,” he stated in the Mazhilis today.

The minister also touched on the issue of teachers being involved in school clean-up activities.

“Last year, there were many complaints from teachers about being required to participate in clean-up days. If it’s related to the school yard, it’s another matter, because we need to instill a work ethic in students, and teachers should set an example. For instance, I plant trees on the school grounds myself, which is a great example. However, involving teachers in activities outside the school, in areas unrelated to the school, distracts them from their primary function. A teacher’s main task is to provide students with quality education and moral guidance, and they should not be distracted from this,” Beisembaev added.
