Turarbek Kusainuly has announced his candidacy for Grand Mufti

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: ҚМДБ
Фото: ҚМДБ

Turarbek Kusainuly has nominated himself as a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan, reports the “Adyrna” national portal.

Previously, he introduced himself as an “imam” on social media. However, a statement was later posted on the official website of the “Imangali” Central Mosque in Atyrau, clarifying that he had never served as an imam in Atyrau mosques.

Turarbek Kusainuly made a public statement nominating himself for the position of Chief Mufti:

“I, Turarbek Kusainuly, nominate myself as a candidate for the position of Chairman and Chief Mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan. I believe that at the upcoming congress of Muslims of Kazakhstan, you will support my candidacy and vote for me.

Under the current Chief Mufti Nauryzbai Otpenov, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan (SAMK) and its organizational system have fallen into an unprecedented state of stagnation. Imams have made statements and issued fatwas that have caused division and discord in Kazakh society, infringing on the rights of women, children, and human beings.

All of this demonstrates the urgent need for a complete reform of the SAMK system, starting with the administration itself. Chief Mufti N. Otpenov and the administration are unwilling to initiate such reforms. Only a new leader, democratically elected with the support of the people, can carry out these important changes.

If I am elected Chief Mufti at the upcoming congress, I will implement the following changes within the SAMK:

1. I will reduce the administrative apparatus of the SAMK by 80% and cut the number of religious personnel in mosques by 50%. Those dismissed from the position of imam will be directed to centers where they can learn new professions such as welding, construction, or IT. I will practically implement the constitutional principle that “religion is separate from the state,” transforming the SAMK into a democratic, liberal organization.
2. If I become Chief Mufti, mosque imams will no longer be involved in rituals such as weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies, or charitable events. Such ceremonies will be conducted by local elders who are knowledgeable about our national traditions. Imams should remain in mosques, focusing on promoting the philosophy of religion and human values, without exceeding the limits of missionary laws. The practice of “healing with the Quran” and similar psychological methods used by imams will be banned. People should turn to modern medicine.
3. The mosque imam will be elected by local active elders in agreement with the entire Muslim congregation. The Chief Mufti will only formalize the appointment of the elected imam with an official order. Each mosque will operate independently from the administration, and the role of the Chief Mufti and the SAMK will be limited to coordination, without exceeding their mandate.
4. The provision in the SAMK’s charter requiring mosques to transfer 30% of their income to the administration will be abolished. All funds received by mosques through zakat, fitr donations, and other contributions will be managed directly by local elders, with the community deciding how to allocate the funds for mosque needs. Imams should be satisfied with their salaries and not be involved in financial matters.
5. I will stop requiring the payment of fitr donations by all Muslims. Only those who regularly use the mosque’s utilities, such as heating, electricity, and water, will be asked to pay. The term “fitr” refers to income tax under secular state law, and Kazakh citizens already pay such taxes to the state. Zakat is also a form of property tax from the Middle Ages, and citizens should only pay property taxes to the state. To be clear, the payment of fitr and zakat to mosques is not mandated by the Quran. If we continue in this way, we will place further psychological and financial burdens on our already struggling population. These burdens are unsustainable for our people. Therefore, I will shut down the many SAMK-run charities that collect money from the public, such as the “Zakat” fund, and cancel the fatwas related to zakat and fitr donations.
6. Nearly nine million Kazakhstanis are burdened with various loans, amounting to trillions of tenge. The weight of these debts has severely impacted the social conditions of Muslim families and their extended families. The number of impoverished people has increased significantly. Therefore, I will impose a five-year moratorium on Umrah and Hajj pilgrimages. Imams should encourage people to keep their money within the country and help the poor instead of spending it in theocratic Arab countries like Saudi Arabia.


If you support my candidacy and I am elected Chief Mufti, I will implement other useful reforms in addition to the ones mentioned above. The people should not have to serve religion; rather, religion should serve the people, motivating their development, prosperity, and growth. To achieve this, we must modernize the SAMK, freeing it from the medieval dogmatic backwardness. The SAMK is a public organization, and I will eliminate the dictatorial, autocratic management style and blind devotion to the Chief Mufti, returning the SAMK to its original democratic charter.

Put your trust in me! Support me in this important endeavor to lead the Kazakh people out of darkness and towards a bright future!
