The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to Shoigu's criticism

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About 18,000 non-governmental organizations work in Kazakhstan, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

The Deputy Head of the Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Roman Vasilenko, responded to the statement of the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, that NGOs in Central Asia "engage in anti-Russian activities".

Roman Vasilenko reminded that the support of the civil sector and NGOs is an important priority for the president and the government.

- If I remember correctly, there are 18 thousand non-governmental organizations in our country. They act in accordance with the law and are considered a very important part of our society. That is, civil society is supported by the state, he said.

Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that within the framework of the "special military operation" the actions against Russia have significantly increased in order to weaken the military-technical, economic and cultural cooperation of Central Asian countries with Russia.

- We take measures to prevent them, - he says.
