The general director and chief engineer of the Atyrau oil refinery resigned

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The general director and chief engineer of the Tirau oil refinery were dismissed. Such a decision was made after the inspection work of the commission established by "KazMunayGas", the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

"KazMunayGas" NC JSC has announced the results of the work of the commission established due to the situation at the Atyrau oil refinery.

"It was decided to dismiss the general director of the Atyrau oil refinery, Galymzhan Zhusanbaev, and the deputy general director - chief engineer Adily Shoshanbasov. The duties of the general director will be assigned to the deputy general director of the Atyrau oil refinery - technical director Oleg Alexandrovich Lyzlov until further decisions are made," the company's press service reported.

It should be noted that the plant continues to produce and ship oil products in regular mode.
