The name of the new prime minister of Kazakhstan will be announced today

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Коллаж: Adyrna
Коллаж: Adyrna

The press service of the "Amanat" party confirmed that today, on February 6, 2024, the faction meeting will be held. It is expected that the candidacy of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be considered within the framework of the meeting, reports the national portal "Adyrna" with reference to the site.
The main political news is the resignation of the government and the resignation of Alikhan Smayilov from the post of prime minister.

As reported, a meeting of the "Amanat" party faction will be held today at 11:00 a.m., where the candidacy of the prime minister will be presented.

The press secretary of the Amanat party confirmed that the faction meeting will be held today, but did not specify the time. It was also known that media representatives were not invited to this event.
