Since the beginning of the year, 14 children died in the country due to fire and smell poisoning, and 3 children drowned. Most of those killed in the accident are children. Nurbolat Derbisov, the chairman of the Fire Service Committee of the Ministry of Emergencies, informed about the danger of the silent enemy, the national portal "Adyrna" wrote.
Nurbolat Derbisov, chairman of the Fire Service Committee of the Ministry of Emergencies, focused on the number of people who died from "silent death" in the next five years.
"In the next five years, 776 children died in the country due to fire, smell poisoning and drowning. Only in 2022, 38 children died from fire and smell, and 77 children drowned," said N. Derbisov at a round table meeting on the topic of security systems in pre-school and secondary educational organizations at Majilis.